Intrinzen Context Designers' Creed

This creed is a resource of people who follow the principles of Intrinzen 100% and are ready to help others on their journey. They are not traditional horse trainers. They are experts in designing contexts for equine movement exploration. They are knowledgeable about the science behind Intrinzen. And they can be your sidekick on this journey.

You do not need anyone to start or practice Intrinzen. But some people prefer to get support along the way. This list is for you. The people who signed this creed can provide inspiration and new ideas. But be aware: They will not provide you with a step-by-step program.

You cannot only find professional signers on this site. People can also pledge to the creed as private individuals. One of the best learning opportunities comes from connecting with likeminded sidekicks. Maybe there is somebody close by?

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The Intrinzen

Context Designers’


Deutsche Übersetzung
Traduction Française
Traducción Español
  • The horse is the hero. My work is about making the horse’s life better. It is not about achieving human-centric goals like winning competitions.
    • Therefore, I focus on the horse’s living situation first. Context design might be improving a track system or creating better enrichment.
    • Movement training is the second best option.
  • With movement training, I strive to help the horses be more agile, robust, more badass.
  • When I train movement with horses and when I help people to do so, autonomy is essential. I strive for challenge without threat. 
    • Therefore, the horse has the right to say no without any negative consequences. 
    • This also means that the horse has the right and knows how to say no to participating in a training session and the right to end the session.
    • This means that I make sure that nobody uses escalating pressure or tools that are associated with it during movement training sessions, like whips or spurs. 
  • I base movement training on modern movement science. I know that good movement is variable and self-organized movement. There are no incorrect movements. Harm is done by repetition. 
    • Therefore, I make sure that nobody uses tools designed to micro-manage or restrain movement, like bits or side-reins. 
    • Therefore, I make sure that nobody attempts to micromanage or directly influence the horse’s body parts, be it by using targets or by using hands or legs to e.g. “aid self-carriage”.
    • Therefore, I use modern approaches like the constraints-led approach to inspire movement, build robust skills, and competency.
  • I base training on modern pain science. I know that pain lives in the brain and can be independent of tissue damage. I know that laziness or stiffness are the means of the nervous system to protect the horse.
    • Therefore, I never rule out pain.
    • Therefore, I always respect the nervous system’s perception.
    • The nervous system is my ally.
  • I base my training on modern science of motivation. I know that horses are capable of intrinsic motivation and that it is likely that they can achieve flow. I know that intrinsic motivation is the optimal state for movement training.
    • Therefore, I aim to train movement in a way that facilitates intrinsic motivation.
    • If I use rewards, I use them in alignment with Self-Determination Theory. 
    • If I use pressure, I use it only if it is not perceived as aversive. I never escalate pressure.
  • I am aware that Intrinzen was created for ‘muggles’. It was created to help non-professional horse people help their horses without needing a trainer. I believe in enabling people to experiment and explore themselves. I do not believe in gurus. I am aware that Intrinzen is not a step-by-step program or a set of exercises. 
    • Therefore, when I give workshops or lessons, I help people discover the resources to become independent. 
    • Therefore, I try my best to make my help accessible for everyone, for example by offering online support.
    • Therefore, I regularly contribute to the Intrinzen community. I share my work with horses online for free so that others can judge my work, not my words. 
  • I am aware that knowledge evolves continuously. I follow the idea of ‘strong opinions, loosely held’.
    • Therefore, I will not compromise on scientific facts.
    • Therefore, I will stay up to date with the relevant scientific body to the best of my abilities. If science evolves, I will evolve my methods.
  • I am open to and welcome constructive debate and criticism.


Katharina (Tinka) Große


[email protected]

Stuttgart, Germany

Kim Hofmann


[email protected]

Detmold, Germany

AnneLaure Weill


[email protected]

Ile-de-France, France



Youtube: Yin Yang Horses


Moel Mewes


moel[email protected]

Kiel, Germany

Inés Brull Valle


[email protected]

Córdoba/Valencia, Spain

Serena Jöngren


Facebook: Serena Jöngren

Stockholm, Sweden

Linda Duering


[email protected] 

Berlin, Germany

Susan Neubert


[email protected]

Salinas, USA

Katharina Kaiser


[email protected]

Regensburg, Germany

Remy Burley


[email protected]

Southwestern Ontario, Canada

How can I join?

  • Anyone who is willing to follow this creed in their work with horses and horse people can sign this creed.
  • Make sure you fulfill the formal requirements and are 100% on board with the creed.
  • If you have any doubts or questions, contact any of the signers. We are all happy to help and discuss. And we are always happy to have new people on board.
  • Fill out the form below.
  • The people who have already signed the creed will evaluate your request.
  • If this group finds that you fulfill all the necessary criteria, your signature will be added to the creed.
  • You will be given access to the internal Intrinzen Context Design discussion forum.

Are people ever taken off the creed?

  • If at any point in time you do no longer meet the formal requirements (see below), you will be taken off the creed.
  • If you have any experiences with someone who signed the creed and think they  should be taken off it, you can send an email to [email protected] or contact any other signer of the creed. 
  • If a fellow signer of the creed thinks that someone does not comply with the creed, they will bring the matter up for discussion on the internal forum. If the matter cannot be resolved, the signers of the creed can hold a vote to take that name off the creed. This requires a simple majority of those taking part in the vote. 
  • The creator of Intrinzen, Kathy Sierra, can veto additions and removals from the creed.

Changes to the creed and processes

  • Can be initiated by any signer of the creed.
  • Need to be discussed in the internal forum.
  • Need a simple majority of those taking part in the vote.
  • The creator of Intrinzen, Kathy Sierra, can veto all changes.

Formal requirements

  • You have completed the pain science and performance course by Kathy Sierra.
  • You share at least two full training sessions on the stepping stones platform per year. You need at least two videos online if you want to apply.
  • Signers of the creed discuss ideas, challenges, and theoretical topics on internal video calls. You initiate and moderate at least one call per year about a topic of your choosing. Or you attend at least two calls.

How can I join?

  • Anyone who is willing to follow this creed in their work with horses and horse people can sign this creed.
  • Make sure you fulfill the formal requirements and are 100% on board with the creed.
  • If you have any doubts or questions, contact any of the signers. We are all happy to help and discuss. And we are always happy to have new people on board.
  • Fill out this form.
  • The people who have already signed the creed will evaluate your request.
  • If this group finds that you fulfill all the necessary criteria, your signature will be added to the creed.
  • You will be given access to the internal Intrinzen Context Design discussion forum.

Please fill out the form below and you will receive an Email with further information and instructions.

You will receive an automated email confirming your application. Answer this email with a photo of your signature on white background and a photo of you (optional).