Stepping Stones

Watch complete horse training sessions by members of the Intrinzen community - for free!

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Complete intrinzen-inspired sessions with explanations and comments from the community.


Inspire others by contributing your own horse training videos. Let others be part of your journey.

Get in touch

Like, comment and discuss any horse training related topics with the community.


This project offers a wide variety of videos provided by people training their horses in line with the intrinzen core principles.
They show different kind of sessions in an authentic manner adding a commentary on what they are doing, how and why.

Take your time to watch and enjoy as many videos as you'd like. You can also like and comment on those videos on the according external platform or our site itself.


If you've been following the intrinzen principles and wanna share an authentic session with your horse we very much welcome that.
Upload a session to an external platform like YouTube (you can choose to unlist the video if you don't want other people to find it).

The session should be uncut and as authentic as possible, do not edit anything if possible. Please add a commentary in any form you like be it voice over or subtitles (in any language you want).

After you send us the link to your video we'll add it to this page.

Instructions will be inside the project.

Get in touch

Feel free to get in touch with the community members. Discuss any topics related to intrinzen-inspired horse training approaches. You can comment on the videos on our site or on the external platform where it's hosted. 

We also want to offer a dynamic systems approach to video coaching. In a dynamic system there is no one expert to answer all your question but everyone can help by adding their perspective.

Join the community


Joining is free and you'll get access to all current and future videos.
